How to Get Rid of Sinus Infection without the Use of Antibiotics?

Dr. Sahil Gupta
4 min readSep 15, 2023


Get Rid of Sinus Infection

Sinusitis can be acute and chronic, acute sinusitis can be caused when a person gets exposed to airborne irritants or any viral infection. If it’s a viral acute sinus infection, then it can be treated without the use of antibiotics and by following natural herbal medicines, making some lifestyle modifications and adapting certain natural remedies. Many are searching for a Natural treatment to get Rid of Sinus Infections without Antibiotics.

Sinus infection can last about 4–12 weeks whether it is sub-acute, acute or chronic. Patients usually have sinus headaches, puffiness in the face,heaviness of head, difficulty in breathing and disturbed sleep.

Sinuses are the air-filled spaces that are located behind the forehead, nasal bones, cheeks, and eyes. Normally these sinuses are filled with air and lined with cells that secrete mucus which protects the inside of the nose from drying out during breathing. Excess of mucus formation and improper drainage of it creates the problem. The following are some of the factors that stop the sinuses from draining, the common cold, hay fever, exposure to allergens, and changes in air pressure.

Top Natural Ways to Get Rid of Sinus Infection without the Use of Antibiotics

Below are some of the ways you can reduce sinus infection naturally without the use of any antibiotics:-

Hydrate Well

Complete hydration is the key to good health, intake of water helps in fighting infections and also aids in getting rid of sinus infections.

Make sure you hydrate well to flush away the infectious virus from the sinuses and strain mucus.

Keep the Stress Away

Our body needs adequate rest to boost immunity and to fight infection, so giving the body ample rest to resolve the sinus infection. Having good rest can hasten recovery and is one of the best Sinus Infection treatments.

Using Jal Neti

Jal Neti is a process where a patient uses a neti pot to clear the mucus from the nasal passages. Jal Neti helps in the elimination of some symptoms of acute sinus infection.

But before using jal neti, make sure you use only saline and distilled water because tap water may consist of many contaminants which can worsen the infection and exaggerate the sinusitis.


We have all known this technique for ages, our grandparents have been recommending steaming when we were suffering from extreme cold, no surprise, that it is of great use in treating sinus infections too.

Just boil a pot of water, can add herbal oil drops like eucalyptus oil and inhale the steam by taking deep breaths from this to moisturise the sinuses and flush away the mucus. Make sure you cover your head with a towel to prevent the steam from escaping.

Steaming is one of the best ways to Get Rid of Sinus Infections and also prevents other upper respiratory tract infections.

Yoga Asanas

Research suggests that practising certain yoga asanas puts pressure on the sinuses and helps to drain the mucus naturally. The following are some of the yoga asanas that are of great help.

  • Reclined cobbler’s pose
  • Ustrasana
  • Setu Bandha Sarvangasana
  • Uttanasana
  • Vajrasana
  • Shavasana
  • Downward-facing dog pose
  • Bridge pose

We would recommend you to practise yoga under proper guidance to avoid any harm and misleading effects, if not done properly.


Kapalbhati is the skull-shining breath that helps in clearing the sinuses by working on cleaning the inner cavity of the nose and forehead and purifying any infection providing relief to the patient from the strenuous pressure due to sinus infection.

Along with kapalbhati, Anulom Vilom helps in reducing inflammation in the sinuses.

Practising yoga and pranayama are one of the main treatment options for Sinus Infection Ayurvedic Treatment.

Keep Dairy at Bay

Dairy products have been found to increase mucus production in sensitive people and people with previous allergies, so it is better to avoid dairy products to get relief from sinusitis.

A1 milk comes from genetically engineered cows and is found to be the cause of many food allergies in patients with weak immunity and previous history of allergies. Eliminate dairy and see the difference and find any relief.

The Bottom Line

Sinus infection can be caused due to bacteria, viruses, exposure to extremely cold weather, air pollutants, and allergens. It can be sub-acute, acute and chronic. The symptoms vary from person to person but many experience sinus headache, facial pain, burden in the head, stuffy nose and difficulty in breathing. Nowadays due to the Side effects and allergic reactions produced by the use of antibiotics, many are preferring natural ways to Get Rid of Sinus Infections without Antibiotics.

Luckily, in India we have Ayurveda and it has widely spread in other Western countries too. Ayurveda offers natural treatment for sinus infection and not to forget about the immense benefits of yoga asanas and pranayama that can help to relieve sinus pressure and expel excess mucus from the nasal passages.

Among all the above-mentioned natural ways, our favourite and highly recommended is “Nasya,” yes, if your sinusitis has just started and if you feel that it may be because of an allergen entering your respiratory tract, then regular practise of Nasya Karma is helpful in clearing the nasal passages, and helps to reduce the inflammation, fights the infection and expels the mucus.



Dr. Sahil Gupta

Dr. Sahil Gupta (B.A.M.S., M.H.A.) is an Ayurvedic Allergy Specialist from Delhi-NCR, India. He is the CEO and Founder of the Institute of Applied Food Allergy®