Top 5 Home Remedies for Arthritis — Natural Treatment

Dr. Sahil Gupta
5 min readApr 7, 2023


Certain Home Remedies for Arthritis along with the core medication will surely help you get relief from deathly pain and swelling in the muscles. Check out how.

A Brief About the Disease

Arthritis is a degenerative disorder which involves the inflammation, wearing and tearing of joints. Arthritis can be of two types. One is osteoarthritis and the other rheumatoid arthritis. The former is the degenerative disorder which involves wearing and tearing and the latter is an autoinflammatory disorder, where our immune system mistook the healthy joints and started producing inflammatory mediators.

The excruciating pain and stiffness that Arthritis patients experience are unbearable. Arthritis medication should be the core of the disease but the doctors recommend that certain home remedies can be useful in the long-term management of the disease and also to improve the quality of life.

Home Remedies for Natural Treatment of Arthritis

These home remedies have been used by patients and are recommended by doctors too as they found to be effective in giving relief from pain and stiffness.

1. Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Omega-3 fatty acids are found to be effective in reducing swelling, and pain in joints and are also quite useful in relieving morning stiffness. A Study has been conducted where patients were given omega-3 fatty acids along with DMARDS treatment for RA patients. The study concluded that the patients have shown relief from pain, swelling of joints, inflammation in the body, the need for the use of analgesics, and also have increased physical strength.

Excellent Sources of Omega-3 Fatty Acids:-

  • Fish and other seafood
  • Nuts and seeds
  • Plant-based oils
  • Soybeans
  • Spinach
  • Sprouts
  • Pastured eggs
  • Meat and dairy products from grass-fed animals.

2. Get Relief from Massage

Massage can be the best short-term and drug-free home remedy that can provide good relief from arthritis pain and inflammation and can be the best option for Arthritis Natural Treatment. Gently massaging the pressure points and affected areas can be our rescue from arthritis pain. Book an appointment with a Registered massage therapist to get a professional massage and avoid any further risks.

Gentle Massage Helps in the:-

  • Improving healthy circulation
  • Reducing swelling
  • Give relief from excess pain
  • Improve joint mobility
  • Provide flexibility
  • Reduces stiffness.

Registered massage therapists (RMT) often advise patients to avoid massage during RA flare-ups but OA patients can opt for massage as it reduces pain and swelling.

3. Yoga and Mindful Meditation

Yoga is an Indian medicinal practice which involves gentle body movements and asanas that align with the mind, this body-mind activity is found to be a great stress buster and also an excellent mood enhancer. Studies have shown that patients who practise regular mindful meditation have been found to feel better than those who don’t.

How Yoga and Mindful Meditation Help in Arthritis Natural Treatment?

  • Arthritis is caused due to inflammation in the body. So always opt for such home remedies that play a key role in reducing inflammation in the body.
  • Yoga and mindful meditation improve the harmony of the mind and reduce excessive inflammation in the body.
  • Regular practice is also found to increase the immunity of the person which further provides excellent protection from auto-immune disorders.
  • Gentle yoga movements are also found to improve flexibility in the muscles and reduce stiffness in the joints.

Note: Always seek advice from professional yoga trainers for the recommended yoga asanas rather than blindly doing some and exaggerating the condition.

4. Dietary and Lifestyle Changes are Must Need

When you’re suffering from an auto-inflammatory disease and high inflammation in the body causing you severe pain and stiffness in the joints, you can’t simply eat everything your palate craves or the food that comes on your plate. You have to be picky, sticking to some and avoiding some foods. Dietary changes are one of the best Home Remedies for Arthritis.

Foods that Must be Included:-

Foods that are rich in antioxidants, anti-inflammation, protein to build muscle and omega-3 fatty acids are a must in your daily diet.

  • Fatty fish
  • Leafy green vegetables
  • Fruits that are rich in antioxidants
  • Nuts and whole grains are good sources of antioxidants and omega-3 fatty acids
  • Peas and beans are a good source of protein that helps to cope with muscle loss in RA patients.
  • Olive oil has good amounts of unsaturated fats that play a key role in reducing inflammation in the body and replacing olive oil with the oils or fats you regularly use can have a great impact on your overall health. Patients with arthritis who use olive oil found it as a painkiller. However, discuss it with your doctor for further advice on it.
  • Cruciferous vegetables like broccoli and kale are good sources of anti-inflammatory particles. And, yes, watch out if you have a kale allergy.
  • Berries are good sources of tons of antioxidants, minerals, and vitamins which are responsible for reducing inflammation.
  • Grapes have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties which help in getting relief from arthritis pain.

Foods that Are to be Avoided:-

Foods that are rich in saturated fats, sugars, gluten, and artificial additives are a big NO in patients with arthritis as they can increase inflammation and can worsen the condition.

  • Wheat products like bread, pasta, and crackers.
  • Butter and Margarine
  • Fatty foods
  • Dairy products
  • Gluten-rich foods. Patients who follow a gluten-free diet are found to be more at ease from pain and swelling than those who don’t.
  • Refined sugar products like bakery eatables.
  • Frozen foods and
  • Processed meats.

Lifestyle Modifications:-

Excess weight can add more pressure to the joints and muscles. So, arthritis patients are always advised to maintain less weight to deal with the pressure in the lower legs.

  • Weight loss
  • Regular exercises
  • Tai chi
  • Aquatic exercises

These certain lifestyle modifications can help in improving the quality of life of the patients and also reduce stiffness by enhancing body flexibility and reducing muscle strain. Adapt these changes to improve the quality of life and also helps in Arthritis Natural Treatment.

5. Herbs are Ancient Miracles for Arthritis

Certain herbs are found to be effective in reducing pain, inflammation and swelling.

  • Turmeric — the best way to consume turmeric is to have golden milk daily to reduce inflammation in the body and also to improve immunity.
  • Capsaicin — it is found in child peppers and is found to be effective in arthritis pain. Capsaicin can be found in the ointments, gently apply the ointment to get instant relief. Capsaicin is considered one of the best Home Remedies for Arthritis and is opted for by many.
  • Ginger — it has active ingredients like gingerol and shogaol which are good anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Garlic — is the best herbal food that has immense health benefits. Include garlic in your daily diet to reduce inflammation.
  • Boswellin — this super herb has boswellic acid, an active ingredient which has a relieving effect on arthritis inflammation and pain.

The Bottom Line

Arthritis is not a one-time disease that can be escaped with one pill, rather it is a lifelong disease that needs great attention and better lifestyle modifications to attain great relief. Arthritis is due to excessive inflammation in the body and demands a diet that is high in anti-inflammatory properties and less in saturated fats.

Certain lifestyle changes like adapting to regular moderate exercises, weight loss, mindful meditation and yoga are found to be at the great rescue. For more guidance on the disease and how to get treated naturally, you can contact IAFA Ayurveda now.



Dr. Sahil Gupta
Dr. Sahil Gupta

Written by Dr. Sahil Gupta


Dr. Sahil Gupta (B.A.M.S., M.H.A.) is an Ayurvedic Allergy Specialist from Delhi-NCR, India. He is the CEO and Founder of the Institute of Applied Food Allergy®

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