Top 7 Most Common Food Intolerances That Can Impact Your Health

Dr. Sahil Gupta
4 min readDec 16, 2023


Most Common Food Intolerances in the USA can be dairy, nuts, gluten, fish, and eggs among others. You are more likely to suffer more from one food allergy over the other.

Food intolerances have become so common that one in 10 people suffer from some kind of food allergy. Numbers may vary from country to country and from children to adults and a Study has shown that around 11% of people from the USA have been suffering from food allergies.

Some are intolerant to the lactose present in the milk and some can’t digest the gluten, either way, it is hard for people to eat their favourite without thinking twice, right? But when you have Ayurveda, no need to worry about all these, read the major food intolerances that can badly impact your health and briefly of how you can deal with them by using Ayurvedic herbal medicines and natural remedies, and Prevention of Food Intolerance.

Although any food can cause food allergy, 8 types of foods majorly cause food allergies, a research paper states!

Most Common Food Intolerances in the USA

FARE says that In the USA more than 170 foods can cause food allergies, among them 9 major food allergies are highly responsible for the most dangerous allergic reactions in the people of the US.

The major 9 food allergens are:-

  1. Milk
  2. Egg
  3. Tree Nuts
  4. Peanuts
  5. Wheat
  6. Soy
  7. Fish
  8. Sesame
  9. Crustacean shellfish

Top 7 Most Common Food Intolerances That Can Impact Your Health

Today, through this blog we are going to discuss the top 7 most common food intolerances one has to deal with in their lives.

  1. Milk

Milk contains lactose and people with lactose intolerance find it difficult to digest and is the most common food allergen, especially in children below 3 years of age. In more than 90% of children, the condition will be outgrown but in some, it is retained. People with milk allergy can experience symptoms of both gut and skin allergies. Soon after consuming milk foods containing milk can result in the occurrence of bloating, stomach upset, vomiting, nausea, rashes, hives, redness, itchy skin and anaphylaxis in the serious condition. Milk intolerance is one of the Most Common Food Intolerances in the USA.

2. Egg

Egg allergy can be commonly seen in children but it may outgrow when they grow up. People with egg allergy experience symptoms related to the gut like bloating, stomach upset, nausea, vomiting and abdominal pain. Most people are allergic to egg whites, because of the intolerance to the protein in egg whites rather than yolks.

3. Tree Nuts

Tree Nut allergy can be defined as being allergic to all the nuts that are derived from trees like cashews, almonds, brazil nuts, pistachios, walnuts, and pine nuts and is one of the Most Common Food Intolerances in the United States. If a person is allergic to one tree nut then he may be allergic to other nuts as well. Compared to other kinds of allergies, tree nut allergy is a more severe and lifelong condition. In the US alone more than 1% of the population suffer from tree nut allergy and around 3% of people worldwide.

4. Peanuts

Like any other tree nuts, people are allergic to peanuts and may get rashes, hives, redness and inflammation. If people are allergic to tree nuts, then there are many chances that they can also be allergic to peanuts. Peanut allergy affects around 1–3% of children and around 2% of adults and in most children, it can outgrow with age but in some it retains.

5. Wheat

Prevention of Food Intolerance like Wheat allergy is often confused with celiac and non-celiac sensitivity disease because both have the same digestive symptoms. Wheat allergy is when our immune system reacts to any of the hundreds of proteins found in wheat whereas celiac and non-celiac disease is when our immune system reacts to particularly gluten protein found in the wheat.

6. Soy

Soy allergy is when people are allergic to the protein “soy” present in the soybeans, soy milk and soy sauce. As the protein soy can be found in many foods, it is important to read the food labels. It is most commonly found in children whereas in adults it can disappear with age.

7. Fish

Fish allergy can be started usually in childhood but it can also be found in adults and is one of the Most Common Food Intolerances in the United States. Just like people are allergic to shellfish, they can be allergic to fish too. If you’re allergic to shellfish, there is no need to be sure that you can be allergic to fish as they don’t carry the same proteins.

A Quick Wrap-Up

Food allergies and food intolerances have become so common and the symptoms if neglected can be fatal and lead to anaphylactic reactions, but don’t worry when you’ve Ayurveda as your saviour. Ayurveda doesn’t encourage one to quit the food that you are allergic to rather it says one should focus on boosting the immune system, correcting the imbalance of doshas and keeping the gut and body clean from toxins, then you need not worry about what you eat. If you still have any doubts regarding food allergies or you suffer from any one, please seek ayurvedic treatment and get rid of any kind of food intolerances.



Dr. Sahil Gupta
Dr. Sahil Gupta

Written by Dr. Sahil Gupta


Dr. Sahil Gupta (B.A.M.S., M.H.A.) is an Ayurvedic Allergy Specialist from Delhi-NCR, India. He is the CEO and Founder of the Institute of Applied Food Allergy®

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