What’s the difference between Eczema and Psoriasis?
One may get confused with these two serious conditions as the symptoms often overlap with the other and no doubt both are terrible in their way and can’t leave the person at peace.
Through this blog, we will help you to erase the dilemma about the similarities and differences of these conditions.
What Eczema and Psoriasis are?
Both are inflammatory skin issues that can be found in people of any age, gender and skin type but there are some ifs and buts to be aware of.
Eczema is an inflammatory hypersensitivity reaction due to some allergens and it can be itchier than psoriasis.
Whereas psoriasis is mostly due to genetic interplay and can run in families, where the hyperactive immune system causes the skin cells to grow faster than usual.
On Whom can We Observe Eczema and Psoriasis?
Age plays a minute role in these conditions. Research studies have shown that Eczema can be seen in children and can progress with age. It’s rarely seen in adults.
Whereas psoriasis can be seen in people of age 15–40 years old, rarely seen in children and scientific studies have shown that psoriasis progresses with age.
What Triggers Eczema and Psoriasis?
There are a wide range of causes behind these skin conditions.
Eczema can be caused due to skin exposure to various allergens that are usually harmless.
- Pollen
- Dust mites
- Animal fur
- Cold and dry weather
- Hormonal changes
- Harsh chemicals
- Makeup products
- Certain fabrics like synthetic
- Allergic reactions
Psoriasis is genetic and can be transferred to children from their parents. But there are some other risk factors too.
- Stress
- Infection
- Certain drugs like lithium and drugs that are used in the treatment of malaria.
- Vaccination
- Sunburn
- Scratches
Comorbid conditions that they are linked to
Eczema is commonly seen in people with dry and sensitive skin or patients who have a history of asthma and hay fever.
Psoriasis can also lead to other major health conditions like diabetes, heart disease or depression.
An Ayurvedic Version of These Skin Issues
Ayurveda believes that psoriasis is due to imbalance in the three doshas, and dominance of vata-kapha doshas. Excessive intake of certain foods like seafood, milk, yoghurt, packaged foods, and food that is lifeless and pale (we meant, the JUNK).
Eczema is known as vicharchika in Ayurveda and is due to an imbalance in the diet and bad lifestyle habits. Ayurveda says that Eczema can be cured by panchakarma therapies, where the body can be cleansed by flushing all the toxins out.
Ayurvedic Treatment of Eczema and Psoriasis
Eczema and psoriasis can be treated ayurvedically by incorporating skin wellness herbs and following some ayurvedic purification therapies like panchakarma to flush the toxins out. And also ayurveda firmly believes that following an ayurvedic diet which is full of nutrients and staying away from all the junk and unhealthy food can improve the skin condition from the inside by boosting immunity. In addition to this, practising yoga and meditation regularly would keep the stress away which is the main trigger behind many skin issues.
Quck Warm Up
Eczema and psoriasis are both chronic skin conditions that can cause itchy, red, and dry patches on the skin. If we looked at the difference between Eczema and psoriasis, Eczema is an inflammatory hypersensitivity skin condition Whereas psoriasis s a chronic autoimmune disease that primarily affects the skin. However, various treatments, including Ayurvedic internal treatment and external treatment, Ayurvedic herbs, lifestyle modification, and yoga can help manage the symptoms and provide relief for individuals with these conditions. It is important to remember before using any herbs, therapy, or treatment please consult with a healthcare professional.